sabato 8 novembre 2008

I'd like to fly..

I'd like to fly but sb is shooting in my wings!!!

I look at the sky and I would like to fly away, where the wind will bring me,
but I have a wound in my wing and instead of getting better
it goes worse and worse.
Then I remember
"children have to kill* their parents to be free"
maybe that is the solution
but I didn't use to agree with that.
Time will tell me what to do to fly
but sth is sure
I know I want to fly.

* KILL: is a word not used in its literal sense
The author of this text disclaim all responsability from any actions caused by misunderstanding.

martedì 28 ottobre 2008

I want a Berkeley professor!!!

In italy at the moment the university and all the school system is in riot
or it look like that..
I haven't already understood which side to side with
but today I have understood a thing for sure


Could somebody explain me how is it possible that sb with a phd of Berkley could be dismissed?
Is it not even question of "THE MERIT"
you don't even need to think sth, you see this name BERKELEY in sb's cv and you hire him!
Why do you fucking need to think ????????????


contemporary homines

Look around you..
there are strange fools..
they walk around you, maybe in front of you...maybe behind you
and they talk, they talk, they TALK,
BUT with who are they talking??
At first sight you think that they are speaking to them selves but
then you realize,
we are in 2008 and thay are speaking through an headphone!!
The answer was so simple, why didn't you think at it immediately?
They are walking in the street and isoliting themselves from the rest of the world
speaking with a head auricular..
you are not living in a creazy world
ARE YOU???????

lunedì 20 ottobre 2008

A train journey

This morning I had an experience..what?
I took a train!
Have you ever thought that only 150 years ago it didn't even existe
and now we see it as the more common mean of transport we could take?
But that's not the experience..
the experience is to cross so much people's lifes...
all around you there are people reading, talking while others try to spleep(I'm sorry to the ones who were around me)
and other using their f***ing MAC ( I WANT ONE TOO)..

with the sun in your eyes.. I saw different people sitting next to me
have you ever thought how many people cross our way and we don't know them (And never we will)

(even if sometimes destinity is strange
not a lot of time ago it happened to me to meet in Venecie a friend of a friend who had already crossed my life once..during an audition in Rome three years ago..we had exchanged just few words is strange or world is little)

Anyway..our train..
different people sitting next to me
with a whole life unknown to me..can you imagine if every peroson is a world full of great things to discover
how much we are losing every second..

and have you ever reflected about the way people share space nowadays
I'm there, next to me an unknown person
and in front fo me my best friend who knows practically everything of me
is it normal? well it is..but it's so strange if you think about!!!!

How many people/ travellers take a train every day
how many took mine this morning..students, professors, employers and employees
and they get on and off in different station
of course we have just shared a part of our journey..
everybody is going back to their own life again..

sabato 18 ottobre 2008

a "so so" day

It's a long time since I wrote here last but My life had been overtanken by events..
I'll try to write my future notes in English, i don't know how bad they will be but at least everybody can understan them, more or less.

A "so so" day is going on today, one of those days you don't know what to do,
you should do things you don't want to do
you miss people who are far away from u( ELS MEUS AMICS), you understand sadly that you have probably lost one of the most important person in your life without knowing it, you think about future without knowing what you really want from the future. And the real problem is that it is not simply a "so so" day but "ANOTHER" so so day after so many, after too much.
You would like to escape far away but you don't even know if that is the real solution to your fact the answer is deep in you but you can't see it, you can't see it yet.

This is one of those days in which the sky is gray not only out of the window but also inside of yoU!!!!!!!!!

Anyway Tomorrow is another day, said sb
and anyway you are not sad, u promised never to be sad for stupid reasons, just "SO SO"

venerdì 29 agosto 2008

racconti del supermercato

Tre piccoli aneddoti della mia spesa al carrefour:
a) Si lo so
sono tremendamente
irrimediabilemente ROMANTICA!!!!
E proprio per questo
non riesco a fare a meno di sorridere( con il mio migliore sorriso 43 denti)
quando al supermercato la coppia davanti a me (CHE CARINI)
tengono il carrellino mano nella mano!!!!!!
MAi SCENA Fu piu dolce( Lui sembrava pure il mio ex, che sadness)

b) Qualcuno puo' gentilmente speigarmi x' a carrefour hanno deciso che vogliono surgelare pure me?
Perché non gli basta surgelare i surgelati e i vari prodotti
( x' io nn ci credo che il latte lo conservano a freddo, loro lo surgelano!)
Si, chiunque abbia sceso le scale del carrefour de Las Rambals avrà avuto la stessa sensazione
Son arrivato al polo!!!
Non è le pagano loro le medicine che ho appena comprato x' al 29 d'agosto

c) Mi dispiace ammetterlo, non sono patriotista
cambierei cittadinanza x una borsa di studio
ma gli ITALIANI son i Migliori!!
Qualcuno mi spiega come si fa ad attaccare bottone in fila al Carrefour!!!!
é no non era la tipa di fronte
era la tipa in fila nella cassa a 3 metri!!!
Ecco la scena
tre italiani, si vedeva a distanza che erano italiani,
in fila. Uno il piu belloccio, abbronzato, inizia a puntare una tipa
dalle chiare origini slave( bella e bionda, pelle chiara)
mi giro e il tipo
puff sta parlando con la tipa, HA ATTACCATO BOTTONE CON LA TIPA!!
secondo me anche i suoi amici se lo chiedevao come aveva fatto
la risposta
credo possa essere solo una

e c'è ancora chi pensa che al supermercato ci si vada x fare la spesa!!!!!!!!???????

giovedì 28 agosto 2008

en fin

E' si
alla fine
bastava cosi' poco
questa città nn mi conquistava
come un ragazzo con cui desideri usicre per anni, alla fine ci esci e bho c'è qualcosa che nn va
hai voglia di conoscerlo di piu ma nn ti conquista
non ti conquista
e poi voilà
basta cosi poco
un gesto, un sorriso e cambi idea
immprovvisamente lo vedi con occhi diversi
impravvisamente te ne innamori!!
e' quello che e' successo a me
con BCN!
Questa vacanza la sognavo da anni
questa città la sognavo da anni
anche prima che ragioni affettive me la facessero desiderare ancora di piu,
eppure arrivata qui questa città
non mi conquistava.

Parigi mi aveva colpito dal primo istante
Love at first sight prima
un amore lungo e vissuto con passione
una forte mancanaza dopo,
ma qui a Bcn questa città cosi piccola
x me
in cui quasi ci si sposta a piedi senza enormi problemi( nella zona centrale chiaro e se ti va di camminare)
in cui probabilmente il mio cuore spezzato ha influito sulla visione
l amore non era sbocciato( son arrivata a dire in senso ironico, quello che mi e' piaciuto di piu di Bcn e' Marseille dove ero andata in una piccola fuga dalla città di Gaudi').

Ebbene a volte basta poco
per innamorarti di un ragazzo e allo stesso modo e' capitato a me
io camminando sul lungo mare con un amica
ho capito la bellezza di bcn.
Saranno le luci e il mare di sera
saranno le torri Mapfre( vi sembrano brutte? a me qualsiasi grattacileo, sopratutto di notte, mi affascina)
sarà non so'
ma ho capito quanto e' bella Bcn
parlavamo dei vari quartieri
eh bhe tu cammini per la barceloneta e non sembra lo stessa città della villa olimpica
poi pensi al raval e ai sapori arabi, e ti immergi in un atro mondo
pero' Garcia è un altro stile o meglio e' un altra anima ancora
e il barrio gotico allora?
insomma e' tutta una città ma dalle mille anime
piu che qualsiasi altra città
e se ci pensi mentre sei in riva al mare
con la lune che si specchia
bhe nn riesci a resistere
è troppo tardi
ti sei innamorata!